The first Webb telescope images are releasing on July 12th! See them here!


Supporting astronomical societies to engage local audiences with the science and engineering of the James Webb Space Telescope.

The AstroBoost project seeks to support amateur astronomical societies to engage local audiences with cutting-edge research in astronomy by providing training, resources and equipment for engagement with the Webb mission.

AstroBoost was created and managed by Dr Jenny Shipway on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. It was originally funded by a STFC Spark Award and run in partnership with the Webb UK campaign, Guildford Astronomical SocietyNewbury Astronomical Society and Hampshire Astronomical Group. The project undertook a survey of astronomical societies in southern England to document their wide-ranging public engagement activity, as well as their aspirations and barriers. Insights from this survey were used as a basis for development of a suite of public engagement resources which could support societies engaging the public with the science and engineering of the Webb Telescope. You can access the survey results here and the final project report here.
An extension project, funded by the Webb UK campaign and delivered in partnership with Dr Jenny Shipway, launched in 2020. Nine additional societies will be delivering public events about the Webb Telescope through its launch, commissioning and first science: Airdrie Astronomical AssociationDerby & District Astronomical SocietyLiverpool Astronomical SocietyMansfield and Sutton Astronomical SocietyMid-Kent Astronomical SocietyNorthamptonshire Natural History SocietyNorwich Astronomical SocietyShropshire Astronomical Society, and DASH Astro. For any questions on the project or the project resource pack, which is downloadable at the link at the top of this page, get in touch with the Webb UK campaign at

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Good luck Webb postcard!

Webb has already launched, but it needs all the luck it can get to successfully do its science in the harsh environment of space, send Webb your good thoughts with this colour in postcard!

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